Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Geologic Timeline: Follow-up Questions

1. The Earth had to have been solid and not molten. The Earth's oceans had to have formed. The first bacteria had to have shown up and the Earth's atmosphere had to have oxygen in it. Organisms with the ability photosynthesis had to have appeared. After there were plenty of single cell organisms they could have evolved and split into multi-cellular organisms.

2. The Proterozoic Eon was the most important in terms of the development of the Earth because the first cyanobacteria appeared and the Earth's atmosphere began to fill with oxygen which lead to the start on multi-cellular life.

3. The presence of humans is not that significant in context of the entire history of the Earth. The humans history is minuscule compared to everything else. Because of that humans didn't play a big enough part to the Earth's history. If anything it's the other way around. The Earth's history is very significant to the presence of humans.

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